Fish Passage at Seattle City Light’s Dams

Over the last few decades, hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent on salmon recovery, yet, in many cases, salmon have continued to decline. 

  • But with these salmon population declines, there's been one shining example of success, right here in the Skagit. In 2007, the Upper Skagit Indian Tribe and others required Puget Sound Energy to build fish passage over its dams on the Skagit-tributary Baker River. As a direct result of fish passage the annual Baker run went from several hundred remaining salmon to over 65,000 returning last year, providing significant harvest for both Tribal and non-Tribal communities.  

    Now, Seattle is seeking a federal license for its three dams on the mainstem of the Skagit River - Ross, Diablo, and Gorge dams. Federal and state agencies, tribes, and local government all demand that Seattle install fish passage at its dams. Scientists believe that we can achieve the same kind of success as happened with the Baker River.

  • If this passage is built, it would likely be the biggest Skagit public works project of our lifetimes. In addition to help for tribes and salmon, fish passage would provide local jobs. 

    If I am re-elected, I will continue to work for the Skagit and will continue to support Skagit tribes in their fight for environmental justice.