Growth Management & Affordable Housing

Over the last 50 years, Washington State’s population has more than doubled, growing from 3.5 million to 7.8 million. During that time, Skagit County’s population has grown from 51,000 to over 131,000.   

  • As Skagit County’s Comprehensive Plan reflects, our community is deeply committed to protecting the Skagit Valley from the sprawl that has consumed counties to our south.  

    As the Skagit’s population has grown, it’s become harder to find affordable housing, particularly for young families just getting started. The lack of affordable housing has contributed to a rise in homelessness.

    When you elected me in 2020, I promised to address these challenges over the long term, while helping the most vulnerable in our community. 

  • At the time, the County was considering a proposal to build a Fully Contained Community (FCC) in a rural part of the County, which some argued would help provide more affordable housing without harming farmland. I promised to give the idea a fair hearing. After listening to significant input, I concluded that FCCs are not compatible with a sound long-term vision for the Skagit Valley, and I voted to end the County’s consideration of the FCC concept.

    We need affordable housing in our cities, which I will continue to advocate. Since I was elected, I have helped fund, organize and support city governments in their effort to provide more affordable housing.